What you may not know about auto insurance policies and the insurance companies that provide these policies is… they do not like mixing business with personal.
If you have a vehicle that is titled to you individually, the insurance company does not want it used for business reasons. That means no shuttling clients, delivery services like GrubHub & Uber services) service vehicles like HVAC, plumbers and contractors, etc.
When it comes to a vehicle titled to the business, insurance companies do not want the vehicle used by your teenager in the evenings or on weekends, or to shuttle your children to and from school each day.
A business auto insurance policy is rated for business use only and personal auto insurance is rated for personal use only.
Insurance companies want very clean lines between business and personal so that they are not insuring claims that are not related to how the vehicle was originally written by the insurance company.
If you have a business vehicle on a personal auto insurance policy or vice a versa you could also be running the risk of a claim not being covered correctly or at all. Insurance companies are putting very specific language in the auto insurance policies that defines who can drive the vehicles and how the vehicles can be used. Claims outside this policy language can result in uncovered claims.
Technically the Department of Motor Vehicles also wants the Named Insured on the auto insurance policy to match the titled owner, as well as the banks that hold leins and leases on the vehicles.
If you are not sure you have the right auto insurance policy in place give me a call to discuss your situation and how it can be insured correctly and not cost a fortune.